邦楽二・〇|2024年シリーズ公演 第1回「次世代の邦楽家と織る邦楽ニ・〇」
2024年シリーズ公演 第1回「次世代の邦楽家と織る邦楽ニ・〇」
長谷川将山 (尺八)
山内彩 (地歌、三味線、箏)
岡村秀太郎 (地歌、三味線、箏、胡弓)
渥美幸裕 (ギター、邦楽ニ.〇主宰)
3月1日(金)18:30開場 / 19:30開演
〒150-0034 東京都渋谷区代官山町20-20 モンシェリー代官山B2
前売り5,000円 / 当日5,500円 / 学割2,500円 / 高校生以下無料
何本もの縦糸 (世代)、横糸 (楽器) が重なり織物になった時、邦楽ニ.〇はどんな図柄をしているのだろうか、2024年はその未知の図案を広げ、織り機に糸がかけられ始めた段階です。
本連続公演 (全5回) は、私が出逢った美しく輝く糸のほんの一部ではありますが、是非皆さまに触れていただき、新たな出逢いを祝うような場にしていきたいと考えています。
While I was working as a guitarist, I became completely fascinated by the charm of traditional Japanese hogaku music. I envisioned that I wanted to create world music (Hogaku 2.0) that, beginning with guitar, transcends the boundaries of musical instruments and allows listeners to feel the ancient flow of tradition. So, since 2012, I have been learning the musical structures of various traditional Japanese musical genres.
Along the way, I have met people from various genres of traditional Japanese music, such as gagaku, jiuta, nagauta, ningyo joruri, hauta, local folk musicians, etc., and have found companions with whom I can envision the future of hogaku Japanese music with. During the Hogaku 2.0 activities across these past 12 years, that single thread that I had spun began to spread out in every direction.
Much like when many warp threads (like generations) and weft threads (like musical instruments) overlap to form a fabric, I often wonder what kind of pattern Hogaku 2.0 is making and, in 2024, we will expand on this unknown design because we are merely at the stage where the strings are just beginning to be threaded onto the loom.
We still need a lot more thread. I'm still not sure if the day when it will be fully woven will ever come.
This series of performances (5 in total) is just one tiny portion of the beautiful and shining threads that I have encountered, so please feel free to come experience this with us, because we intend on creating a place where new encounters can be celebrated.
Of course, I would be delighted if this music could be experienced not only by those who enjoy traditional Japanese music on a regular basis, but also by those who experience it for the first time. We also always welcome interested musicians.